Community Announcements
As-Salaamu Aleikum, Dear Brothers and Sisters, We thank you all for your ongoing support.
Jummah Khutbah and Prayer
The Masjid opens every Friday at 1 p.m.
The Jummah khutbah starts at 1:30 p.m., immediately followed by the Jummah prayer.
We are a COVID-conscious community; Masks are optional for those attending Jummah Prayer.
Weekly Classes
Level I Arabic Class – Virtual, Every Tuesday from 6:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.
The Pillars of Islam – Virtual will restart on Feb 16, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.
Community Taleem – Virtual, Every Sunday from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Contact info@maipeacenter.com for virtual links and access.
Checks payable to Masjid Al-Inshirah Inc
PayPal: Maipeacenter3@gmail.com
Cash App: $inshirah7832
Website: https://www.maipeacenter.com/donate
Drive to Pay the property off:
The goal of Masjid Al-Inshirah is to pay off the debt owed on the property within the next three years. We ask that everyone give a little more every week and specify that the additional funds are for “The Mortgage Pay-Off Drive.” For more information, please contact: Sister Tiye Mulazim or Brother Warren Covington
Get involved & join a committee
Fundraising Committee - Chairman: Br. Andre Boyd
Community Life Committee - Chairwomen: Sis. Tarika Boyd & Sis. Khadijah Stinnette
Janazah and Sick Committee - Chairwoman: Sis. Tiye Mulazim
Cultural and Enrichment Committee - Chairwoman Sis. Etosha Bakar
Contact by emailing to info@maipeacenter.com for more information.